Javascript detect when link click downloads file
Sorry, but I don't think it's possible on plunker or jsfiddle. To run this solution, you must host the downloadable file on the same domain, and you must return a cookie in the download response.
Just because a file is ing doesn't mean they are saving or opening it. Just a few thoughts. Edward Nunn Edward Nunn 6 6 bronze badges. Yousef Rahimy Akhondzadeh Yousef Rahimy Akhondzadeh 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 12 12 bronze badges. Does approach force download of file? Sorry you can not force clients to download a file. This code make a choice to your client, if they accept to download your file, they redirect to goal URL, else they can not visit goal URL.
But you can not force them to download. The present Question asks how to detect if file is actually downloaded by client, yes? No question is Detect when user accepts to download a file. Its not Force. Show 1 more comment. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Podcast An oral history of Stack Overflow — told by its founding team. Felicia Sanders's Ownd. Javascript detect when link click downloads file.
It is used with anchor tags - and. I used to use live with gusto not knowing it was deprecated. To be honest, the only downside with live is that it goes through your dom at the time it was called and wraps all links or whatever it finds and hooks up the event.
It's that initial processing time that's obviated with delegate and on. Unless you have a crazy complicated page, it probably won't make a difference. Just leave it : — Adam Rackis. Another reason why spending a day on StackOverflow answering questions makes you a better programmer! I have learned reams and reams answering questions on SO. David Thomas David Thomas k 50 50 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Isn't it bad to put dynamic properties onto an array?
Also for IE you probably want to check for e. AdamRackis, it possibly is, but I was unaware of that until your comment I sort of learned JavaScript by accident, via jQuery I don't have IE to play with I'm merely a hobbyist, so Adam Rackis Barkermn01 Barkermn01 6, 31 31 silver badges 77 77 bronze badges. Improve this question.
Claus Claus 2 2 gold badges 7 7 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. In my example there is no server interaction.
Claus: you mentioned an Ajax call, that's what led me, for one, to assume that there was a server interaction. Yes you are correct in that respect. I could place a cookie, but I'm not downloading from the server. What I really need is a response from the download dialogue box. The generated content on the client machine is being downloaded to the users hard drive.
So I need to know not only when the download is complete, but also that the user did not select Cancel from the choices on the download dialogue box before I make the ajax call to mark the selected records. I think what I need is not available, so I'm going with two buttons. One for export and the second for Mark Records. OK, I understand now. If there's time in your schedule, I would suggest a custom dialog, which is pretty common these days on Web pages.
Now at it's lowest price ever! Approach 2: Using a custom javascript function firstly made a textarea where all the text input will be issued. The click method simulates a mouse-click on an element. This requires a little intermediate knowledge of the JavaScript to work and in this example a Axios library will be used. Skip to content. Change Language. Related Articles.